English Honor Society | Alvarado, Casey | Honor |
Color Guard | Angel, Carmen | Interest |
Women of Tomorrow | Bravo , Janelle | District |
Eagles’ Nest Bistro | Calderon, Elizabeth | Interest |
HIP | Casanas, Kristen | District |
Unified Special Olympics | Casanas, Kimberly | District |
Social Media | Casanas, Kimberly | Service |
Robotics | Chirino , Carlos | Interest |
Mu Alpha Theta | Collazo, Jessica | Honor |
Class of 2028 | Chirino , Maria | Service |
Big Brothers Big Sisters | Cordero, Sandra | District |
DECA | Davidson, Mary | Interest |
ASD Eagles Club | De La Noval, Beatriz | Interest |
STEPS | De Sosa , Ileana | Service |
HOSA | DeJesus, George | Service |
SADD | Del Rio, Gabriela | Honor |
GSA | Del Rio, Gabriela | Interest |
Illusion Dancers | Gonzalez, Yusmit | Interest |
Cheerleaders | Hemingway, Tekiera | Service |
Student Council | Hooper, Clint | Service |
Thespians | Hooper, Clint | Honor |
HOSA | Law, Tammy | Service |
National Technical Honor Society | Law, Tammy | Honor |
Business Honor Society | Lazo, Vicky | Honor |
CECF/FBLA | Lazo, Vicky | Interest |
Future Educators of America | Lodos, Marilyn | Service |
Eagles Fan Club | Mantrana, Richard | Service |
HOSA | Mantrana, Richard | Service |
S.W.A.T. | McBeath, Yolanda | Interest |
Best Buddies | Medina, Jany | Interest |
Class of 2025 | Mesa, Jessica | Service |
Italian Club | MontesdeOca, Joseph | Interest |
Social Studies Honor Society | Nadaskay, Ken | Honor |
DaVinci Society | Nadasky, Ken | Interest |
Class of 2026 | Pena, Ana | Service |
Esports | Perez , Rudy | Interest |
Silver Knights | Perez Francese, Tamara | Interest |
Yearbook | Perez Francese, Tamara | Service |
Quill & Scroll National Honor Society | Perez Francese, Tamara | Honor |
Class of 2027 | Porto, Julissa | Service |
Mental Wellness Club Sponsor | Rodriguez, Ana | Service |
DECA | Ramirez, William | Interest |
Chess Club | Regalado , Andres | Interest |
Foreign Language Honor Society | Rodas, Debbie | Honor |
PHI BETA CHI | Rodriguez, Erin | Honor |
Marching Band | Roque, Nelson | Interest |
National Honor Society | Saavedra, Cynthia | Honor |
Sports Medicine Club | Sciascia, Joe | Interest |
Safety Patrol | Torres, Jose | Service |