The PeerVybez Program trains students to develop leadership skills, provide mentoring, tutorial remedial services, promote special event activities with focus on Anti Drug Campaigns, Bully Harassment Prevention, Conflict Management skills through classroom presentation and assemblies in the 9th grade leadership class, 8th grade classes in Middle Schools and 5th grade classes in Elementary Schools within the Southwest Miami High Feeder Pattern. The PeerVybez counselors are trained to provide culturally sensitive counseling and mediation skills to students in Southwest Senior High. The students in PeerVybez are culturally and academically diverse which means that there is a peer counselor/mediator who can relate to any student whether they may be a in Special Education, AP classes, Regular Education, Gifted and/or special needs class. We can help you!
Peer Counselors:
Cynthia Elias
Christy Gamez-Sosa
Aaron Olson
Javier Volta
Assemblies and Presentations (Jam Session, Audio/Visual Presntation, Sketches and Role-play):
Christian Abarca
Anielka Arauz
Alejandro Barrios
Elena Cervera
Julian Hernandez
Anthony Pino
Alexis Romero
Julia Cintron
Flyers, Posters & Banner:
Fabian Giraldo
Aaron Olson
Jennifer Tabaodo
Nicole Smith
Mentorship & Tutorial Services
Erika Murillo
Isa Rojas
Tech Group (Psycho Educational Power Points & PeerVybez Web Masters):
Crystal Chang
Gabriel Grillo
Andrea Morales
Samuel Morris
Erika Murillo